清華學院  國立清華大學


一、源起 Origin




In May 2007, Professor Chen Wenchun, then the principal, organized a delegation to visit universities overseas to learn about the concepts and practices of Residential Colleges. After returning to school, the school conducted a comprehensive review of school-level educational goals, campus life, standard compulsory courses, and general education, put forward an overall improvement plan, and implemented it one after another. Regarding campus life, the improvement of Residential Education is one of the corresponding measures. The “Tsinghua College,” officially established in February 2008, is the first dormitory that combines living and learning in Taiwan. It is both a dormitory and a college.


二、沿革 Timeline

2008年 成立「清華學院」

2010年 成立「載物書院」,原「清華學院」改為「厚德書院」

2013年 成立「天下書院」

2015年 成為本校正式二級單位「住宿書院」,併入「清華學院」(原共教會)

2008, established of "Tsinghua College".

2010, established of "Tzai-Wu College", Tsinghua College renamed "Hou-De College".

2013, established of "Tian-Xia College" (Global Program).




三、書院介紹 Residential College Introduction


 厚德書院  Hou-De College   


"Tsinghua College" was renamed "Hou-De College" in 2010. The academy takes "self-exploration," "social care," and "social innovation" as the core, and multi-disciplinary and cross-domain learning as the main axis. In this society where social care and civic participation have become the basic qualities of modern people, Hou-De College encourages students to try to integrate their majors into the realm of life, looking forward to opening up creative connections. In the processes of "self-exploration" and "social care," the students respond to the needs of the real world with "social innovation and appropriate technology." In the academy, cultivate the abilities of self-directed learning, independent thinking, communication, and dialogue, and become a young person with influence on themselves, others, and society.


 載物書院  Tzai-Wu College  


In 2010, the school established the bachelor's classes of each college and began to recruit students, encouraging them to major in cross-field and double-specialization, in order to provide an accommodation platform for students in the bachelor's class to live and communicate together, so the second academy, Tzai-wu College, was established. Prof. Lv Pingjiang from the Department of Biological Sciences serves as the convener. The newly established Tzai-Wu College is committed to developing a rich interdisciplinary learning environment and supporting students to continuously develop interdisciplinary thinking. After President He Chenhong took office in 2014, he focused on innovation and entrepreneurship. Therefore, Tzai-Wu College gradually added the goal of cultivating innovative talents with an industrial vision to its original mission.


 天下書院  Tian-Xia College (Global Program) 

2013年9月,時任本校副校長之馮達旋教授負責規劃籌備與執行天下書院,並招收第一屆院生。天下書院國際化的養成教育以文化領航力(Cultural Leadership)為核心概念,幫助培養學生的人文與社會關懷以及創新思考,鼓勵院生積極接觸各族群與國家文化的相關知識,由此反思自身成長經驗,並與多元文化元素產生對話。天下書院期許院生能具備在全球移動,和不同脈絡背景的人皆能相互理解的文化溝通能力。

In September 2013, Professor Feng Daxuan, then the vice president of the school, was responsible for the planning, preparation, and implementation of Tian-Xia College and recruited the first class of students. The international development education at Tian-Xia College takes cultural leadership as its core concept, helps to cultivate students' humanistic and social care and innovative thinking, and encourages students to actively contact relevant knowledge of various ethnic groups and national cultures so as to reflect on their own growth experience and dialogue with multicultural elements. The Commonwealth Academy expects its students to have the cultural communication skills to move around the world and understand people from different backgrounds.




